Spring-Board arose as a concept at the Auckland LifeHack weekend. LifeHack aims to bring a wide range of creative, techy and business minds together for the weekend with the purpose of creating new ways of combatting youth depression in New Zealand, and the rest of the world. We identified that youth don't self-reflect or connect with themselves enough and with that in mind our concept was conceived.
So, Whats the plan ?
The concept of Spring Board is to provide a private area where youth can record activities and events from their day in a creative, highly visual way and then retrospectively go back and rate their past days. Over time this provides trended data of what makes them tick which can serve as their own tool to self-reflect and help themselves without the stigma of external help such as Mental Health professionals. Additionally we can make suggestions of events, activities and even buddies using this data. This trended data is invaluable at fighting youth depression and can also be gathered on an overall to provide trends on the various demographics to other organisations and outlets for youth events.
We aim to ensure the personal visually created representations of your days and interests can be easily printed and manipulated to attract creative and visually motivated users. In addition to Record and Review sections, there are areas of suggested activities, events in their areas and large amounts of content surrounding their interests as well as a Buddy system where users can interact with each other through character aliases to share interests and activities.
Spring-board needs support from sponsors and like-minded charities to help make this project a reality. If you are interested in sponsoring or assisting us, please contact us today!